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Morocco - Chefchaouen 10 Things to Do

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

|| Morocco, Chefchaouen - A guide with our top 10 Things To Do ||

Chefchaouen, many of us know this place as: The blue city of Morocco. Almost every house, stairs or wall is painted with the color: blue. If blue is one of your favorite colors than you will love this city. On the Rif mountains of Chefchouen there are humans living in these beautiful blue coloured houses, a man offering you fresh pressed orange juice and many local shops.

P.s. At the end of this guide I shared the FAQ about Chefchaouen


Written by: Stephanie Gabriella

1. Explore the blue streets

Prepare yourself for an unusual walk, why? Because you are going to look at the ground, walls, buildings and every single corner of the streets. Your eyes are basically looking everywhere! It's not usual to enter a neighbourhood where part of it is blue. You can call this the 50 shades of blue, because you will see so many types of blue all around you.

Chefchaouen has such a quiet atmosphere and although it is marked as a city, it's definitely not as busy as Marrakech or other cities of Morocco. However, it is fond to say that Chefchaouen is the most picturesque city of Morocco. Get ready to spend hours of walking and wandering around the blue streets of Chefchaouen. It's heaven for photographers. Capture cute cats, porches and magnificent doors.

Blue reasons


Our biggest question is: Why is everything painted in blue? There are various reasons of why everything is in blue, but here are a few.

- To follow Jewish Custom and Culture: The color blue resperesented the sky, according to Jewish beliefs, which also reminds people of heaven and God. - To keep the mosquitoes away and to keep their houses cooler

- To represent the colour of water: Some locals say that it is to represent the colour of the Mediterranean Sea. - To look nice and blend in : According to a few locals the reason why their houses are blue, it's because it has a calming and attractive effect. Others will tell you that it is because everyone else does the same and Moroccan communities like to show a unity. - To attract tourists: This is not the original reason, however it is a huge part of why the city has many tourists visitting every year.

Important to know:

Please keep in mind to always stay respectful in when you're taking photos and videos in front of people their houses. It's their home and please do not shout in front of it. We witnessed tourists shouting in front of their houses, please do not participate on doing that. Also, you have ti pay a small fee for some decorated places to take photos.

2. Visit the Kasbah Museum

When you want a pause of all walking around the blue streets of Chefchaouen, visit the Kasbah Museum on on the Place Outa El Hammam, which is the main square ofthe old city. Another key point to remember: It's right next to the Grand Mosque. You can not miss it, as it is an old Moroccan Fort.

The biggest highlight of the Kasbah Museum is the panoramic view of Chefchaouen its rooftops and surroundings.The building itself has had many purposes throughout the years. Mostly it's known as a prison, but now it's a museum and art gallery. Inside the Kasbah you can find a beautiful garden.

Important information


Please note that there are no English explanations

Entrance fee: 60 DH/$6 USD Opening Times: 9AM – 6:30PM everyday

3. Souvenirs shopping

Stroll through the narrow blue streets and get to the souks. Keep in mind it isn't going to be as big as the souks in cities, such as Marrakech, however you can find many affordable things. Shop for souvenirs to bring home, we bought beautiful magnets here of Chefchaouen and Morocco. The shop owners don't hassle as much as in Marrakech, so you will have a better shopping experience. Get yourself a beautiful woven carpet, jewellery, caftans, woven baskets, blankets and many more. You don't have to be afraid of not going home without any souvenirs.

Tips for shopping in Chefchaouen: - Shop with cash, just as any other shops in Morocco. - Keep haggling just as in Marrakech. It's part of the shopping culture in Morocco. Remember that you can get a product for as expensive as you make it. (After negotiations of course).

4. Visit the Spanish Mosque

Take a short hike (30 minutes) to the Spanish Mosque. This mosque sits on top of a hill and has an overlooking view from the city below. The best time to do is definitely in the late afternoon/beginning of the evening, to watch a precious sunset. The mosque itself is a beautiful building that is built around the 1920s. It's abandoned, because it was never really used for its purpose.

5. Eat at a rooftop restaurant

Would you like to enjoy a traditional Moroccan dish? What wouldn't be a better place than a rooftop restaurant? There are a few great places to visit and enjoy the panoramic view of Chefchaouen, such as the following: - Hamsa: Truly delicious homemade food, with the greatest views and many good other reviews. Have yourself a great lunch or dinner at Hamsa. Unfortunately, our battery was dead so we can't spoil you with photos, however it was food. They serve amazing wraps and also have glutenfree/vegan options. I went for a wrap, as I love wraps dearly. Location: Main Square near the Grand Mosque.

6. Book a traditional food tour

It's always very nice to know the secrets of a local dish. Therefore, it's wonderful to learn everything about the Moroccan kitchen, while also getting samples of the unique flavours at a local traditional food tour, through the streets of Chefchaouen. Get yourself a local guide that will take you through the alleys while you learn everything about the history of the most popular Moroccan dishes. Keep in mind that the tour will last for at least 3,5 hours.

7. Drink fresh orange juice

In the heart of Chefchaouen a car with fresh oranges can be found. A man named Said lives in Chefchaouen and sells you the best orange juice in Morocco. Every day he stands here with a pure smile and a mood that brightens up your day. When you visit Chefchaouen, definitely pay a visit to his stand and get yourself a taste of that refreshing orange juice! Want to see more of this? Head over to his Instagram: @Saidayach1

8. Hike at the Rif Mountains

Explore all the things you can do around Chefchaouen. One of these activities could be taking a scenic hike or walk through the Rif Mountains. These are the mountains that surround Chefchaouen. There are various hike or walk route and options, some are shorter and others are longer. Also, you could enjoy a hike for multiple days or just a few hours. If you have only a few days in Chefchaouen, than we recommend to go for a hike to the Akchour Falls.

9. Book a 1 day return to Fes

If you're staying in Chefchaouen you can either book a day trip to Fes or you can travel around by the local bus. You will have a beautiful trip on the road and see many gorgeous landscapes.It will take 4 hours to Fes and 4 hours back to Chefchaouen. Set up an early alarm to travel and enjoy at least 6 hours in Fes. If you're going by a private taxi-van expect to pay around 130 euros (max). CTM buses are the biggest operator in Morocco, so we recommend to take a bus trip with this operator. A bus ticket cost around 80 dirhams.

10. Practical information about Chefchaouen

In this section I have covered a few of the questions that came in through our Instagram account. I have covered the most asked questions.

How to get to Chefchaouen

If you are like us and have trip around Morocco planned these are a few possible options you have. It's not the easiest city to get to, because it's a city that lays among the mountains. However, as soon as you have arrived we can promise you that it's worth the long trip. You can either take a taxi, go by yourself with a rental car or a local bus from three places: - Tetouan > 1,5 hours - Tangier > 2,5 hours - Fes > 4 hours

All three of them have an airport. So, if you are landing at one of these, you can get some transport from there to Chefchaouen. As Chefchaouen does not have an airport or train station. We went with a taxi van from Fes to Chefchaouen for a day trip.

Is Chefchaouen expensive?

As previously mentioned Chefchaouen is as expensive as you make it yourself. We only planned a one day trip and didn't do all the things Chefchaouen has to offer. However, we did look around for possibilities to stay here one night. I will give you gross estimation of what you can expect of the your expenses in Chefchaouen.

Accommodation: Chefchaouen has a list of budget friendly options, but also offers luxurious stays. There is room for every type of traveller. However, budget friendly rooms are starting from 15 euros per night. Prices variate from 15 euros per night up to 80 euros per night.

Taxi transportation: Expect to spend around 11,75 euro per day on taxi transportation.

Food: The average food costs in Chefchaouen is around 13,70 euro. Keep in mind that the prices of food can vary when it comes to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, the prices of food inside a restaurant (where you can sit down) are often higher than fast or street food prices. However, you can find lunch for two persons for a decent price of 90 dirhams!

We would recommend a budget of 40 euros a day, if you are travelling around by taxi for instance. If not, you don't have to spend more than 40 euros a day.

Best time to visit Chefchaouen

If you are planning a trip to Chefchaouen and more places in Morocco, be aware that Chefchaouen can always be a few degrees colder. The best time to visit Chefchaouen would be during spring and autumn. The months March, April and May are suitable for those who want to enjoy the seasonal switch from spring to summer. It's not too hot, but still very sunny.

Keep in mind that if you visit during the summer months: June, July, August that it will be much more crowded, because people from other parts of Morocco will also spend time here to enjoy pleasant temperatures. Prices of accommodations, restaurants etc. will also be more expensive.

How many days to plan in Chefchaouen?

Besides photographing Chefchaouen, you also want to explore and enjoy the beauty of the city. Therefore, would it be perfect if you have time for a two day visit. We would recommend that, especially if it is your first time visiting Chefchaouen. If we would have more time, we'd definitely stay a night so that we could have enjoyed a beautiful sunset without any rush.

And, are you planning to pay a visit to Chefchaouen after reading about all the amazing things you can do? We hope you do, because Chefchaouen will give you an amazing time! If you are going to plan a trip around Morocco, you should visit Marrakech too. Read about our experience in this article: Marrakech 11 Things To Do Do not hesitate to ask any questions and if you like our articles definitely give this article a heart and subscribe Love Steph and Jo

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