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Morocco - Horse riding in Essaouira with Yassine Cavalier

|| Horse riding at the beach during sunset: An incredible experience in Morocco ||

In February 2023 we went back to visit Morocco, but this time we wanted to visit another city and chose: Essaouira. A beautiful city next to the coast of Morocco. Essaouira is known for its artisan industries and very notably inlaid cabinetwork. This is what it is known for, according to Google. However, we knew this city because of an amazing activity: Horse riding. It was on our bucket list to at least go horse riding together, on the beach. In this blog I will share practical information for when you're booking this activity and tell you if the experience was worth the travel or not.

(This is not a sponsored article, but a review of our experience)

Written by: Stephanie Gabriella

Horse Riding in Essaouira

Did I ever sat on a horse? 'Yes, just once'. Did Joe ever sat on a horse? 'Yes, he kinda grew up with horse riding, as his mom used to this a lot!' However, the moment I found Yassine Cavalier's profile and services, I immediately said: 'Let's do this baby!' Horse riding in Essaouira has become a very popular activity to do, for those who bring a visit to Morocco (Marrakech for instance) and do a trip to Essaouira. Horse riding enthusiasts, can now get a taste first hand of the feeling of true freedom. The beautiful serene beaches, sand dunes and forest of Essaouira are located along with the southern piece of the coastline itself. Imagine horse riding with your partner with either one of these as a magnificent backdrop. It creates the perfect horse riding experience and perfect memories to look back on.

Yassine Cavalier

There are multiple horse riding stables, however we red many good reviews about the one from Yassine Cavalier and this was the main reason why we booked our horse riding experience with him. It's also the best place to go to if you are looking for a place where horses are really good taken care of. But, what is the story behind Yassine Cavalier?

Photo: Mohamed Tazi Cherti

He was born and raised in Diabat, which is a village in the western area of Morocco, near the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It is about 5 kilometres of Essaouira. Yassine grew up in a horse loving community, which means that he learned how to ride a horse from when he was just a kid. He decided to turn his biggest hobby into a career of horse riding. At the age of 18 he pursued his dream and opened his own stables, training gorgeous horses. His full story is very inspiring and let's not forget to mention: he knows how to react upon every horse their emotions!

Our horse riding experience

On February 2nd, the day of our horse riding experience was planned. We drove all the way from Marrakech to Essaouira and rented a private taxi for this. Contact us, if you want to have his number and contact details. We highly recommend this taxi company, since the communication was excellent! The total drive took us 2,5 hours from the Jemaa el fnaa to Yassine's stables. The weather was perfect to go for a ride, not too hot and not cold at all.

We walked to the horses and came across the sweetest puppies, after this we were able to choose the horses we wanted to ride with. I asked Yassine which horse would be the best for a beginner and he pointed at two horses. One whom was white and the other had kind of the same hair colors as I have. Still, I somehow went for the white horse: named Othy. He's a beautiful, but little bit stubborn horse. However, as I mentioned before this was my second time on a horse. Joe's horse was an angel, at least from my perspective. Joe and I had loads of funny moments during our ride. We admired the beautiful surroundings and enjoyed every piece of it. Also, there were two guides that kept guiding me and my horse, which really helped me to gain more confidence.

We started our ride through the beautiful Sand dunes of Essaouira. It was such a relaxing walk. After going more upwards, they initiated a break and took photos and videos of us. It was such a calming moment. Also, a very good timing to get off your horse and stretch your legs a bit. At this point I somehow panicked a bit, but the guides were giving me all the advice I needed to get back on my horse again and feel better. There was no need to panic, but I just was overthinking a lot. The main reason why we recommend this activity, is because they give you just enough tips and advice, to conquer your fears and get out of your comfort zone.

The most incredible moment was during sunset. Everyone went off, one by one, and it was just your moment. A moment of true freedom, when your horse runs aside the rushing waves of the ocean. it's calming, yet so exhilarating! Joe and I went together, but also alone. This was definitely an activity above our expectations. Until today, we still talk about how amazing the full experience was!

Do you want to see the full video?

Practical information

Transportation: Before planning this activity, we did a lot of research. Especially, when it comes to transporation. Here are a few options to get from Marrakech to Essaouira and back:

  • Transportation by bus: There are buses leaving from Marrakech to Essaouira, mostly every day. The journey by bus will take you approximately 3 hours, plus a 20 minute break. So, in total: 3.20 hours. A ticket will cost you 80MAD = 7,30 EU, which means 14/15 EU for a return ticket. Please check: ONCF Voyages for the exact time schedule.

  • Transportation by taxi: we preferred this over a bus transportation, since we like to have more comfort during our trips. The prices of a taxi (from Marrakech to Essaouira and back) vary. We paid about 75 euro for a complete transfer from our riad in Marrakech to Essaouira, while he was waiting for us until after our horse ride, to bring us further to Agafay Desert. Considering the times, kilometres etcetera, it's a decent price.

Booking: We contact Yassine through his WhatsApp and asked more information about the packages they offer. We chose the sunset horse ride, for 2 hours. In total, we paid 80 euros for 2 persons, 2 hours. Eventually, this lasted about 2,5 hours! During this ride there are multiple guides that can give you all the guidance you need and they will take a lot of photos and videos of you (and your partner) during your ride. Yassine will send you the prices of the packages they offer and he can give you advice to which package would be the best, especially concerning the time you'll spend in Essaouira.

Photos and videos: The best part, because these will be your forever lasting memories. The team will send you the footage right after you're back at the stables. If you have an Apple, it's easily send through Airdrop (and YES you will receive all the footage of you and your companions). However, when you have an android it's different they will send it through your e-mailadres.


Q: Do you need to be a professional horse rider?

A: Honest answer, no. As I mentioned before, I only sat on a horse one time before. Of course, those who have more experience will be able to do more runs. However, you do not have to be a professional horse rider.

Q: Can you book a private horse ride tour?

A: Yes, however this is with an additional fee.

Q: Is it possible to leave your personal belongings somewhere safe?

A: Yes! Because we left Marrakech and had to travel to Agafay desert, we took all our equipment and suitcases with us. We left this behind at an office of Yassine. It's secured by his family and no one else can come here, besides one of them. It's completely safe to leave your bags or anything here.

Q: Can you arrange a photo shoot?

A: Yes, it is possible to do a photoshoot, however it is with an additional fee.

Q: Can I do this as a day trip?

A: Yes, however, if you have more time: spend a night in Essaouira. If you have a tight schedule like us and have to head to, for instance: Agafay Desert, it is do-able, but it takes more travel time of your day.

Q: Can you book a horse riding for kids?

A: Yes, it is possible, however this requires additional information from Yassine himself. Therefore, it's better to ask this particular question to him and he will give you all the answers about this topic.

For more information contact Yassine on his website or Instagram:

More on Morocco

Are you visiting Morocco anytime soon? Than make sure to read our other dedicated travel and beautiful stays posts and content:

Next week, I will share a new experience of another beautiful stay. Can you guess which one this will be?

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