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Morocco - Travel Guide: A 6 day travel itinerary

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

|| Morocco: A 6 day Itinerary with all the Do's and Don'ts to save time ||

Morocco has been on our list for 2 years, but due to Covid a visit wasn't all that simple.
Luckily, our last minute decision had led us to visit this beautiful country.

You probably landed on this article, because you want to book a trip to Morocco. However, you may have a limited amount of time, just like we had. We are here to give you several options and of course,
share the details of our trip.


Written by: Stephanie Gabriella

Our 6 days through Morocco



Eindhoven | Marrakech | Agafay Desert

On our first day our trip started from Eindhoven airport, The Netherlands and ended at Scarabeo Camp to watch a sky full of stars in Agafay Desert.

Tip: We scheduled our trip very tight, due to the lack of time. The first thing we would recommend is to make sure you have at least 7 days, because if we could plan the exact same trip again, we would have definitely booked the trip for 7 days. That one day extra, can give you so much more space.

Our trip started with an early flight from The Netherlands to Marrakech, from 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM. We landed on Marrakech and took a taxi cap straight to Agafay Desert, Scarabeo Camp. After a long night/morning it was a really good decision to head immediately to the desert, since this will give you so much rest and peace after your flight. We spend 1 night in the desert and have had the best experience. It was a date day and night to always remember. This is a perfect solution to stay in the desert, when you don't have a lot of time to spend in Morocco, but still want to travel around.

Read more about our experience in: Scarabeo Camp, Agafay Desert

Things we recommend: - Book 1 night at least at Scarabeo Camp - because the experience is worth it. However, if you have more time than we recommend to stay 2 nights, so you can fully enjoy and unwind in the desert. - For the Dutch readers - It's cheaper to book one way tickets from Eindhoven airport to one of the airports of Morocco, than return tickets from Amsterdam-Marrakech. - Safe time by booking a taxi before arriving at the airport - If you choose to spend time in the desert, reach out to your stay and ask them for their pick up service rates.

- Always bring cash with you when travelling to Morocco - The exchange rate is very high. It's cheaper to exchange cash Euros/US dollars/Pounds into dirhams.

DAY 2 & DAY 3


Agafay Desert | Marrakech

On our second day we woke up in the beautiful Agafay desert, had breakfast as Scarabeo Camp and hopped in a cab to head over to Marrakech.

In total we spend 2 days in Marrakech. We would say that you can see (almost) everything in 2 days only, however more days are always the best to have the full experience of what Marrakech has to offer.

Read more about our experience in: Marrakech, 11 Things To Do

Things we recommend: - Stay at a Riad to have a true Marrakech Moroccan experience, for example Riad Palais Calipau - Do not ask for directions! As you can get scammed to visit the tanneries or they will ask for money. - Order Juice on the Jemaa el Fnaa square, they are so delicious!! - In the Old Medina, a taxi isn't really needed, you can reach a lot of things by foot.



Marrakech | Fez

On our fourth day we woke up at 4 AM to catch our train to Fez. We were a bit sad to leave Marrakech and our beautiful stay at the riad. We weren't really excited for Fez, because we wanted to stay longer in Marrakech.

The next words are written to you in all honesty. We absolutely loved Marrakech! Would we recommend to stay in Fez? I you have the chance not to, than definitely not. On our first day in Fez, we had arrived at our new stay. A riad that got rated on with a 9.1 score and four stars. However, they definitely didn't deserve that. As experienced travellers we can say that this riad didn't reach the standard of the quality of a four star 9.1 stay. After a long discussion with the owner he finally cancelled our stay.

To reach Fez from Marrakech you have two options: You either go by car and pay at least 200 euro or you travel by train and pay 20 euros for two tickets. If you travel by car you will get there after 4 hours and by train you will be in Fez after 6 hours of travelling. Fez isn't our top favourite destination due to multiple things, however it's okay to stay but only for a 1 day stop we could recommend.

If we would do our trip again we would schedule it like either one of those options:

Day four: Travel from Marrakech to Casablanca and book a 1 day trip to Chefchaouen

Day four: Travel from Marrakech to Tangier and book a 1 day trip to Chefchaouen

We found a beautiful four star hotel that totally made up the experience with the riad we have had when we arrived. Therefore, we suggest to stay in a hotel like this: Hotel Fez inn Spa . This hotel offers great food, spa and transport facility services. This was not a collaboration, but we really loved it here, it was clean, spacious and especially their friendly receptionist: Amina who offered to drop us off back to the centre to get some food.



Fez | Chefchaouen

On our fifth day we woke up at 4 AM to travel to the beautiful Chefchaouen, The Blue City of Morocco. It was a long drive of 4 hours to Chefchaouen and 4 hours back to Fez. We departure at 5 AM and arrived at 9 AM.

In total we spend 1 day in Chefchaouen. We would say that you can see (almost) everything in only 1 day, however more days are always the best to have the full experience of what Chefchaouen has to offer.

Read more about our experience in: Chefchaouen, 10 Things to do

The moment we arrived in Chefchaouen, we first started with exploring all the blues and creating content too. Than we ate something at one of the various restaurants at Chefchaouen and after this we drove back to Fez, just in time to enjoy dinner near by our stay and jump in the pool again.



Fez | Eindhoven

On our last day we woke up at 7 and had breakfast at a very nice spot in Fez for only 5 euros in total. It was so good, I can still taste the amazing egg omelette with cheese and delicious olives on the side. Head over to our Instagram Highlights to see what we mean.

We enjoyed our stay at the hotel for the last couple of hours we had. Than we took a taxi for 15 dirhams to the airport of Fez and waited for our plane to take us back to the airport of Eindhoven.

Our trip had a duration of 6 days in total and had a very thight schedule. We have been to Agafay desert, Marrakech, Fez and Chefchaouen. That's quite a lot of places to visit for only 6 days. Again, we loved every bit of Morocco, but every country has favourite and least parts. Therefore we recommend the following to adjust:

Our suggestions

A 6 or 7 day trip through Morocco: - Book a ticket to Marrakech - Head over to Agafay desert and stay 1 or 2 nights - From Agafay desert go back to Marrakech and stay 3 or 4 days - Get the train from Marrakech to either Cassablanca or Tangier - Stay in Cassablanca or Tangier, leave from either those city airports and book a 1 day trip to Chefchaouen - Or take the train to Cassablanca or Tangier, than stay 1 night in Chefchaouen and take the train back to one of those cities.

Or choose to only explore either the south or Northern parts of Morocco. It's up to you, your time and energy. However, all the cities of Morocco have their own special aspects that you should discover by yourself.

That's it, this was our 6 day trip through Morocco. We hope you will have an amazing time when you're travelling through Morocco. Every Sunday, there's a new article online!

Do not hesitate to ask any questions and if you like our articles definitely subscribe, so you won't miss out on new updates and articles. Love,

Love Steph and Jo


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